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    that’s what she said. “grow up” No, not my mother, not my friends, not Greg, not Superman. My wife! Just chatting with my ATV explaining the surgery I was going to do to repair the broken connector on a sprayer coupling. And it did require some cutting of its tune (OUCH). Anyway, she asked me who I was talking to. I told her my patient. then I went on to talk to her about a job I had when I was 16 and then the next one at 17. Anyway, she said “I have a meeting to get to and you need to grow up”. What’s so funny about this is that I think she actually meant it!. Good gosh, I keep getting all this insurance stuff because I will be turning 65 in April and she tells me I have to grow up? That’s insane. After all these years when dealing with the bs of the world and now I have to grow up? Never! And who started using that term? It’s like the term we use in search and rescue and at the P.D., stand down. We always get told to “stand down” after the formalities and exercises. OK, I quit!



    Oh, Kiowa, grow down and stand up for goodness sakes! Isn’t it amazing that you can sit down and sit up, stand down and stand up, speak down and speak up. In fact, you can speak up while you’re standing down. Or sit up when you’re feeling down. Or grow up when you’re sitting down.
    What a confusing world we live in.
    OK I’ll shut down or is that shut up? I think either one is both the same!


    Kiowa, you remind me of Ducky on the TV drama NCIS. He talks to the bodies he is doing autopsies on. Totally wierd and eccentric but really funny. I would love to have heard what you said. LOL! 😛

    My brother used to talk to his old station wagon that he had christened “Hank the Tank”. He claimed that the car had moods and fits depending on the weather. It hated the cold and damp and he insisted that it would only start after a little morning “chat”. I didn’t go there on that one. 🙂

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