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    As a person running a support group for the last several months out of a cancer support center (Wellspring) I have seen what a difference support can make. My own personal need for support started with this site for which I will be eternally grateful but some (including me) have found that in person support works wonders too which motivated my cofounder Ben West and I to start the Calgary in person support group. Using space at Wellspring has familiarized members with additional support services ie two have joined the Ostomy support group that runs out of Wellspring as well and others in addition to myself have participated in Wellspring programs that support a person even further with exercise, creativity etc and just a place to “chill out” when the cancer stuff just gets to be too much. In my own journey I have found that people need support not only physically to get through surgery, treatments etc but emotionally, mentally, psychologically and spiritually too. The type and amount of support will vary with the individual and the needs will change as time goes on but if we allow ourselves this special time it will go a long way to making a really big difference in our lives. We also cannot forget the needs of our caregivers, spouses, partners, and family as well. As we heal those around us will too.


    Well done MarySue for your dedication in helping those that need support. Sometimes everyone needs a place to ‘let their hair down’ now and then. Being courageous is one thing but having others understand how difficult this journey can be is irreplaceable. Keep up the good work.


    marysue has been my support and a special friend…
    she practices what she preaches


    Support is probably every bit as important as treatment. Support is an integral part of any good treatment for any kind of cancer (or illness).



    Marysue, I would like to add my thanks and appreciation for the Calgary support group you have begun with Ben.
    I know it has involved much time and effort on your part, and I just wanted to make sure you know that your work is valued. We are lucky here in Calgary that you were willing to take on the challenge of beginning a support group. Keep the good work.
    See you on May 8th!


    Ben and I saw the need for an in person support group. Both of us could have used that when we were first diagnosed. I felt so isolated and alone especially when going for BCg or a cysto. Most of the time I was the only woman (age 50) in the waiting area with a big bunch of men 60+ . I kept wondering if I was the only woman on the planet let alone Calgary with BC. I really have enjoyed doing the group and am happy that even though we are few at the moment people feel that they are getting something out of it. We will perservere and grow next year.

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