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Homepage – Forum Forums Raising Awareness Fundraising Ideas for throughout the year


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  • #7574

    Hey everyone,

    After realizing how well all the walk’s went this year and how much it will help out Bladder Cancer Canada, I don’t want to stop creating awareness and raising donations. See all the people that came out to all the walk’s and how much awareness it created make me want to get more involve and continue fundraising throughout the year (and when I have time aside from school, of course).

    This year was my first time ever organizing an awareness walk and fundraiser and I am now seeking for some ideas for ways I can raise funds for Bladder Cancer Canada up until next years walk. For example, alongside with the walk and collecting pledges, I also organized a raffle draw to raise additional funds.


    Nicole T.


    Great work Nicole. We have one gentleman in our group who runs a bowling alley. He will be holding a fundraising bowling tournament in January.

    Anyone who owns a business could set up a fundraiser because they have a set clientele they can spread the word to.

    I’ve got ideas tickling around in my brain but I hope that in addition to the walk we can come up with some other event that will be original and will be associated with us.


    How about a dog walk, or pet walk. People love to walk with their pets (well maybe not those with Cheetahs and mountain lions) but pets. Or maybe a stroller walk. Just a thought. Or maybe a horse back ride walk. That would be cool. They y’all could horse around later. Or a skateboard walk, to get kids interested. My imagination can come up with others if you like. Maybe you could get a group to walk Greg. Ball and chains,leg irons, you know.



    I just got the forms e mailed to me from the Cross Cancer in Edmonton (that way I can get an official sticker to do it) and I will be doing my market stall again and so I want to promote Bladder Cancer on the stall and a portion of what I sell will go right into the BCC pot
    Also I will make specific items just for the cause. I have my regular devoted customers and I know who I can ask for extra help and or donations
    I only had my surgery on 20th September so I am plotting while I can get my strength back up
    If anyone has any other ideas I would love to hear them
    Next year I should be up to walks and hopefully get others doing things as well
    I will donate to the auctions you all do


    You have a stall? How interesting. My horses have stalls also! WOW! But I really think we should put a ball and chain on Greg and take him on tour. In any stall, I mean, event, good luck and thanks for doing this for us. Oh, one thing, what exactly do you do in your stall? I mean I know what the horses do but….



    I wish I still had horses
    I think I could use Greg to help sell his humour is wonderful
    I knit I sell shawls, buffalo sweaters, aran sweaters, lace of all kinds
    Dan, our Buffalo breeder, says I could go out to his ranch and try to “shear” the buffalo……..yikes….but the bar-b-que I will settle for
    He has a stall, sells great burgers and a great breakfast if ever any one is in Edmonton early on a Saturday morning
    I love my “stall” and you have given me an idea, I could get a bale of hay to help promote BCC and try to make even more money that way
    What do you call the tents at your market?
    I know it is only a small way to donate but when it comes to auctions I think I could “round up” some really good deals from the “other stalls”
    Hugs to you all and keep the ideas coming


    I agree with Maureen that Greg’s humour is wonderful!



    I see that Nicole, a student, started this topic back in 2012. We now have a student group/society at Dalhousie University, and one currently being formed at Queens University.

    The Dalhousie group DABC – Dalhousie Awareness of Bladder Cancer has held numerous awareness and fundraising events over the last few years. These include partnering with local night clubs for fundraising, setting up ‘Awareness Tables’ in public areas, and recently collecting hair for making wigs for cancer patients. In our last meeting at Queens (QABC), a bake sale was suggested.

    BCC can provide a “Third Party Fundraising Application” to help with the planning of fundraisers.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    #GivingTuesday is November 27th. An opportunity to donate time or funds to our cause. Maybe a Display to raise awareness and attract volunteers.


    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

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