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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Finished my last BCG of my first round of 6 this week!

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    Hi everyone,

    I last posted on here, I think when I started my first round of 6 weeks BCG treatment. At that time, I was completely confused and didn’t quite know what was going on. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if I had bladder cancer. Following some suggestions from some of you, I went and got a copy of my pathology report and researched that. Turns out that yes, the tumor that was removed was a carcinoma which is cancer cells. So, I found out sitting at home alone one day, researching on my computer, that yes I had bladder cancer. I say had, because it was removed before I knew anything about it.

    I’ve learned a lot through this process. I have learned that cancer is a word that seems to be the biggest and scariest word out there. It may contain only 6 letters but that word scares so many. My own doctor, the urologist that is treating me, seems to be afraid of that word. I understand, it must be a terrible job to have to tell someone that they have or had cancer. The truth is, it is simply a word, cancer. It might be scary to hear that word, but the truth is, if you don’t know what you are up against, you can’t prepare adequately to fight.

    When my urologist told me that he wanted me to do 6 weeks of chemotherapy, I wasn’t going to do it. At the time, he never told me I had cancer, so I didn’t understand why I would need it. Eventually, I agreed to do the treatment, still not quite understanding until a week after my initial treatment, when I sat in my living room researching. Not only was my tumor cancerous, but it was a high grade tumor, which means that if it comes back, it will get worst faster. I was lucky that this time, it was non-invasive. And I’m also lucky that they caught it early enough to treat me in order to hopefully prevent it.

    Yesterday was my last BCG treatment for my first ever round of 6 weeks. It’s been quite an emotional experience for me. This all year has been so overwhelming, I can’t even begin to describe it. The urologist did tell me that he would like me to do this treatment every 6 months for the next 3 years, but only for 3 weeks the next few times. I hate the idea of going back for more, because I hated this treatment! However, I understand the importance of it now. I should also be thankful that the doctor is choosing to be aggressive to ensure that the cancer does not return.

    So, now that I’m done, I want to celebrate with a strawberry daiquiri. My question to you is, when can I have an alcoholic beverage again? I know that I couldn’t during the course of the treatment.

    Jack Moon

    Hi Az

    Great to hear you made it through the initial six rounds of BCG. I know how you feel as I wanted to celebrate once my 1st treatments were completed.
    I am not sure if there is a guideline for having alcohol on completion of BCG, I know I only waited 3 days to have a beer.
    Good luck going forward with your next cysto, hoping the 1st 6 treatments has done the job of keeping the cancer away.
    All the best,


    Thanks Jack! I appreciate your support at the beginning of this process and now. I realize now, that my journey is not over and this is something I will fight with for the rest of my days, but I do look forward to hearing some cancer free news.


    Congrats Az on completing treatments. I encourage you to push forward with the extra that your doc recommends. I did and am glad I made the effort. I’m now over 6 years cancer free. And yeah, it is quite an emotional roller coaster – cancer is a scary word. My first uro wouldn’t use the word with me until after the TURBT and he had the results in front of him and even then he talked to me over the phone not face to face. I suggest waiting a few days before having alcohol but you could always check with your doc to be sure. Once there- PARTY TIME! even if it is just sparkling cider or a Shirley Temple! Keep in touch and let us know how you are. (((((HUGS)))))

    Rick B

    Good on you and congrats on having completed six rounds of BCG. I’m a beer fan and it was a few days after my BCG rounds when I celebrated. My URO was up front from day one but always handled it with with me in mind. Staying cancer free going forward is the ultimate goal and it seems your URO is on this all the way…that is great news because that is what you want.

    All the best going forward, stay strong, stay positive and always keep us in the loop.



    I believe strawberry daiquiri’s contain possible cancer fighting compounds so if I was you, I would have a double !!!

    Farm Boy


    Az: Happy that your 6 rounds of BCG are over. Wishing you continued success in all your future treatments.



    It was a great relief when I finished my sixth BCG on March 11th. I had a large glass of wine the next day. Enjoy your time off and good luck in the future.

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