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    My eyes have been on the dry side for several years but have recently gotten worse. I’m experimenting with different eye drops as per my eye doc’s instructions and he has said I may need to go on steroid eye drops. I’m not keen on that idea. Does anyone on this site use them? Has anyone had side effects from them? I’m also unfortunately in the early stages of developing cataracts. He says that that surgery is about 5 years in the future so I’m not losing any sleep over it but would like to hear from members on this also.


    We have a lot of commercials for something called Restasis.
    It is a prescription.
    Hope you get something that permanently helps
    love, Jeanne


    Well if they are on the dry side, then just put them on the other side. Geesh! OK, seriously, I will ask my wife about it. She has been plagued with dry eyes for years. She tried Restasis but she has some ind of reaction to it. I don;t know if her ophthalmologist has recommend steroid but I’ll find out.



    Didn’t forget you MarySue, just can;t find my wife. I checked with another one.


    Another wife?
    Did you move states, Kiowa?


    He asked me…I told him I’m not his wife. Last time I saw him he was still looking , Greg.

    Did you find anything helpful , marysue?


    Jeanne: I always find that swimming underwater with my eyes open helps dry eyes! I guess that’s not really all that helpful…


    Hymmm! Well, finally have the answer for you. My wife (one of them) said her ophthalmologist never mentioned anything about steroids. She now takes Restasis during the day and an eye gel at night. Her opath. also told her that if necessary she could do a procedure where by the puncture the tear ducts. I sure would not want anyone to puncture my tear duct.



    My dr had me change to a gel solution called Tear gel plus start on Evening Primrose. My eyes do feel a lot better. I’m going for a dialation exam this Saturday. He did recheck my eyes for dryness last week and noticed the improvement. His other solution was to prescribe steroid drops if this didn’t work but he uses those more as a last resort. I have heard of the tear duct surgery but it would have to be a very last resort before I’d even consider it. I do have early stage cataracts and will start some supplements to slow that down. I know I may have to eventually succumb to the surgery but I intend to postpone it as long as possible. Dry eyes are common in Calgary because of the very low humidity and the dry cold doesn’t help either. I do plan to invest in a humidifier. He said that would probably help too. Time will tell.

    Now for Kiowa looking for his wife….Are you sure that she didn’t take off for a vacation on Neergog?


    Hope your eyes get better soon. Now, as for my wife going to Neergog, she is not allowed there. Actually it was Cheyenne who was from Neergod. I actually was found under a rock by some hunters. They raised me and then released me into the wild. Where is Cheyenne anyway? Last I heard he was with my wife! Strange strange world out there.


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