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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Dropped by radiologist/oncologist

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    Thanks Obamacare…now what to do if hubby needs treatments.
    I will be calling places like crazy tomorrow.
    We are in shock.

    They have got to stop this! People are going to die! BS Obamacare !
    I am so pissed and scared .
    Maybe he will choke on something and go to Allah or whoever the hell he
    believes in.

    Sorry….just can’t believe it. A friend has to find an oxygen provider …hers opted out of OBC .

    Rick B


    Vetting is good. It rids the mind of things you really don’t want to think about for a longtime.

    I do not have an appreciation for the issues you face but that does not preclude me from feeling there is something wrong when people speak up as you have done.

    I trust and hope your concerns get rectified.



    Didn’t mean to sound so angry, but we have so few options for medical care where we live, that being shut out was a shock.
    Sorry for the rant. No where else was available . I’ll be nicer next time 🙂


    I was dropped by my obstetrician once. He said I was a slippery critter and likened me to an alligator hatchling. But I was cute.

    I wasn’t dropped by any doctors yet but many of my friends are physicians and they all plan to retire and or stop taking medicare and some insurances. This will be wide spread soon. My wife’s insurance rates went up over $125.00 per month though. I thought that was kind of them. Some people I know who don;t have insurance still won;t be able to afford it because they could not afford the high deductible anyway. A few others stopped going to the doctor. Not good. So much for affordable insurance.



    Found a cancer doctor that is only 25 miles away and takes Medicare and supplements. Thank the Lord!!
    I was so worried.

    Jack Moon

    Fantastic news Jeanne!


    My urologist loses money on cystos and instillations. He decided to keep his medicare patients regardless however. He’s more concerned with his patients. Wish all docs were like him



    I might have been dropped by a doctor when I was a baby. That might explain a whole lot if I landed on my head! But I’m so glad, Jeanne, that you found someone within a relatively close distance. Hugs to you and your husb…well, you hug him and hopefully he does not take offence that we are all hugging you.


    Thanks all…. and he loves when I get hugs …but draws the line there. Party pooper that he is 😀


    Jeesh, my docs are over 80 miles away! I am really happy though that you found one who is not too far away. Give him a hug for me also. Ask him if he has any pets, the best docs love animals. Mine has a bunch of golden Retrievers and whatever else appears on his door step.


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