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  • #8097

    I’m embarrassed. well not really. It takes a bit for me to get embarrassed. I’m a lot like Greg in that area. What I am getting at here is that I believe I forget to let y’all know that my 6 month cysto in June was negative. Bladder as pink as a baby’s bottom (my doc’s clinical terminology). PSA is so low it’s at ground level. I’m not but it is. Oh, and my colonoscopy in July was also negative for my 5 year check up post 1997 colon cancer and resection. I will be staying on a 6 moth cysto protocol even though I have now gone 4 years I think without any recurrences. You may recall that in 2008 – 2011 I had lots of recurrences, BCG and Valstar treatments so my doc is not taking any chances. I thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.



    You are just a really negative guy. Negative bladder, negative colon, negative PSA. Come on, get with the program. This is a positive site. If we were all negative all the time there would be no need for this site. Of that I am positive. And I remain quite neutral about whether you are like me in ANY respect.

    Valstar? Is that something from outer space that goes into your inner space and gives you an out of body experience when it is in your body? Sounds pretty positive to me.



    Note to self, make sure to have advil on hand when reading posts between Gregarious Greg and Cantankerous Ki.


    I don’t think Advil will do it, Eddie. You may need something more enlightening. You need to think Texas, as in tequila. Greg has no idea what tequila is. Actually he doesn;t know what Texas is either. And he thinks I’m a negative guy. Of course he is thinking is terms of numbers (he can count to 9 actually). I am full filled (is that one word or two words?) with tequila.



    I don’t know much about Texas other than you have thick toast and a GMC Suburban is considered a mid sized car (go big or go home). Tequila and I parted ways many many years ago in Playa del Carmen Mexico. All i recall is a raft, stars (real and tequila induced) and a long swim to shore. Did I mention I was in a hotel pool?



    Eddie, we have REALLY big pools in Texas. Our pianos are even bigger.



    Everything is supposedly bigger in Texas. Mind you when under the influence of tequila ……then everything is probably embarrassing.

    Seriously, congrats Ki on all the “all clears”. Keep it coming.

    Rick B

    You’all, may want to take off line…private line…you know what I mean…

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