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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Dental treatment for a cancer patient

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    Hey, my younger sister is having bladder cancer and is undergoing treatment for that. She got an allergy from an oral supplement which she took. It has affected her dental health, and she is suffering from gum diseases right now. We are planning to visit a dental clinic ( ) in Carleton Place. I just wanted to confirm whether it is safe for a cancer patient to undergo dental treatments. What are your thoughts? Please share.



    Good to hear from another “Valley” person/family.
    I am being treated for BC with BCG.
    It has not stopped me from visiting the dentist regularly. In fact, I was at my dentist last Wednesday.
    The only precaution was a led blanket over my abdomen when they were taking x-rays of my teeth/gums.

    God Bless



    Welcome to Bladder Cancer Canada. Dental issues can arise while undergoing treatment.

    When I was doing BCG treatments I found my gums were more sensitive (gingivitis flare up) and that was alleviated by going for extra cleanings and being very diligent about brushing and flossing. I also used Listerine mouthwash as it is made for eliminating bacteria and reduced the inflammation.

    It is generally safe to have dental procedures while undergoing cancer treatment. A patient just has to let the dentist know what type of treatment it is and if they are experiencing any dental issues. A lot of dentists have experience in treating cancer patients or if not, they can send you to a dental specialist.

    If she has any doubts because of any suggested dental treatments, I suggest that she ask her doctor/medical team if a certain procedure is safe while doing treatment. Best of luck to her going forward. ((((HUGS))))

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