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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Cytology Report – ATypical?

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  • #33267

    My most recent Cytology results came back as noted (December 18th, 2018);

    Final Diagnosis   Final
    Atypical urothelial cells (AUC).
    Few atypical but degenerated urothelial cells, neutrophils, few squamous cells, and rare degenerated red blood cells are present.  My past 5 Cytology reports have been similar in nature.

    My doctor has never explained these results to me.  I just receive them online through “MyChart”.

    So I am a little confused.  After 15 BCG treatments (Last one October 31st, 2018) is this normal to see these types of results?  As noted in previous posts during my last Cystoscopy (December 18th, 2018) the doctor did note some areas of inflammation but could not distinguish between being caused from BCG or possible recurrence of CIS.

    What have others on this group seen in their Cytology findings?  What actions were taken if any?

    Thank you.


    Good Morning,

    Thank you for posting your situation in the Forum and reaching out for feedback.  I want to begin by stating that I am not a doctor, but a Patient like yourself.  I hope others who may have had a similar experience will chime in as well.

    I would like to tell you that from my personal experience; when I had information that was not clear to me, I was encouraged by my Urologist to contact him to seek clarification.  I noticed you indicated ‘doctor’….did you mean Urologist by chance?

    Thank you,

    Forum Moderator


    I will admit I’ve never looked at or asked to see any cytology findings in my case.  Given what you’re asking I think I will next time.

    As for you, if I was in your shoes reading what you’ve posted about your cytology report, I would do what Nightingale has mentioned – have a heart to heart with your doctor, preferably your urologist.  He/she is the best person to explain things to you and to let you know if there is anything to be concerned about.


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