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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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  • #44673

    I had my Cystoscopy last Thursday . I know what is entailed in the exam . I am just wondering do you get the notes from it ? I went brain dead as soon as he said the C word. So had no questions . I went to pick up my pre op forms at his office yesterday where I asked a few.  Did any of you have access to the exam notes ?

    Thanks C


    It depends on where you had the cystoscopy done. Some hospitals allow patients access to their records through an app called MyChart. The hospitals in Hamilton have this and access is free of charge. After you load the app, you can see what hospitals use this system.



    Hi All:

    We are launching something called Connect Care in Alberta.  I’m hoping that I will be able to get more info on my procedures in the future.  At the moment the most that you can get online is lab test and x-ray results.  Although I did find my pathology results from my last TURBT surgery this way.  Here’s to hoping that whatever systems the provinces use, it will prove useful for patients and care providers alike in aiding more in depth and better conversations about patient’s health.



    I had both my Turbts at Bluewater Health in Sarnia. They have an office onsite where you can go to request operation reports or pathologies. I got my reports from them, but they did charge me $30. Afterwards I discovered my urologist would send them to me for $0.


    Hi theweb,

    Sorry to hear that you had to pay for your results.  Sadly, this is what some of us fear with Bill 60 and the Ontario Gov’t.  The move towards privatization of some of the services has begun.  As I’ve said to others, it’s not necessarily what is being said, its what is being done, and your example is another one of many we are starting to see.  So HEADUP to all, make sure you ask if there is a charge for getting your results before you request it and also check with your family doctor or urologist before signing up for results.

    My best,


    I always ask for reports – bloodwork(on line now) path reports all medical reports I ask. Have not had my TURBT  but will be asking for that . I’m a have to know person and hearing results well don’t trust my memory or that of people with me. When I was going through Breast Cancer one of my best friends came and hand wrote everything the Oncologist relayed to me . When its happening to you you need an outside ear.

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