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  • #7560

    Well made it through another cysto. Unfortunately going in I knew I already had some tumours so wasn’t surprised that a few more had popped up. Luckily (I guess) doc was able to cauterize them again. So six in total removed. Feeling better today than yesterday but doc said I should make sure to take it easy for a few days. Seem to have more bladder spasms this time so guess the bladder didn’t enjoy the invasion this time. Thanks for the advice of using hot water bottle to help with spasms as it seems to be doing the trick. Hopefully I’m up to doing the 5km walk this Sunday but will do the best I can.


    Flo, sorry you had the tumours. Glad they seemed to be able simply to be cauterized. If you find you are well enough to come to the walk but not actually walk the 5 Km, we can probably get you a chair or put you to work. There will be others not doing the walk who will be in attendance.
    In any case, be well.


    Flo: I am so sorry to hear about the results of your current cysto. I do hope your discomfort clears up as I look forward to meeting you on the walk this Sunday.


    Thanks Greg & Bev. My hubby & I are heading to Kingston tomorrow to do the walk with my daughter that is part of the Limestone Crusher Derby Girls. She says she’s willing to put roller skates on a lawn chair for me & push me around the track LOL. I think I’ll be able to manage the walk but it’ll be slow. I would have liked the chance also to meet you all in person. Both my daughters & grandchildren will participate with me so it might be a teary walk let alone if it rains as the weather forecast doesn’t look too promising right now. Packing my rain gear today along with my hot water bottle.


    That’s disappointing. Flo. I went through that for a stretch of time and finally they all got eradicated. Of course bladders have a society called the NOVAB. You know what that means right? No Violence Against Bladders. They are a well organized group. When they have demonstrations it looks pretty intimidating. Well, take care of yourself. Put some strobe lights on that lawn chair.



    I’m hoping that someday they will have virtual cystos and maybe the docs will be able to give us pills that will kill off tumours instead of all the intrusions into our bladders. I agree our bladders can get downright militant but who can blame them? They get cut during the tumours being removed and then scalded when BCG or some other drug is instilled. I know that this might sound completely nuts but I have a serious talk with my bladder each time I’m heading for a cysto or something. When I was doing BCG I literally massaged my lower tummy and told it one more or two more whatever. Psychologically this helped me but I know my bladder still rebelled like a little kid. Okay, I know that you guys want to pack me off to the funny farm now.

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