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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Covid 19 Hospital Postponing Cystoscopy

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    Hi all- I just got a call from my urologist office to postpone my Cystoscopy that was scheduled for April 20th in Vancouver.

    I totally understand it’s to keep us safe and to prevent spread of the Covid 19.

    This is all so unreal. I have been feeling super tired lately and of course can’t help but wonder if I have a tumour ? No other symptoms – just wanted to know! So now to wait and who knows how long that will be. I just read lefmikes concern if his Turbt is postponed because of the Covid 19.

    Gosh- I don’t know what else to say – with being isolated ( my family is being very strict with me to stay home ). Maybe I feel tired because of that? I just pray this Covid 19 disappears somehow and that in the meantime you all stay safe!

    Hugs- Tana


    Sorry to hear that Tana.  I presume you were not given any other option?  I am at a loss as to what to tell you, except that the spread of COVID 19 comes to a quick end and we can all get back to a more normal life.  Keep the faith in the meanwhile and stay safe.

    My Best,


    Hi Nightingale;

    thanks – I didn’t even ask ; she  just said until hospital gives the go ahead it is postponed.  What can we say hey! Just to wait it out and keep safe! Yea I felt low- just tired of everything of trying to be healthy! I went for a walk this morning and felt much better. Is it part of the side effects of BCG  to be fatigued still after the last treatment four weeks later? Hope it passes soon! Take care- Thankyou Nightingale-



    Hi Tana,

    I fortunately never had any BCG treatment, so have no personal experience to share.  I can tell you from my support group, some folks have side effects like being tired, while others feel nothing.  I would say that the majority have indicated feeling lethargic after treatment.

    My Best,


    Hi Tana,

    I’m waiting for TURBT #4    They found 2 new tumors during my March 12 Scope,  it’s all very upsetting.  We were in a weird situation as we live in FL during the Winter and I flew home to Canada for the Scope then I had to fly right back to FL  only to drive back to Canada 4 days later due to Covid-19.

    I was expecting my TURBT to be  scheduled in two weeks  but we contacted my Uro’s office last Tuesday and we’re  told to not expect surgery anytime soon.

    I was told I was given a surgery date initially, but it’s now been cancelled …to be rescheduled  so who knows.   In a way it’s a little easier,  I know I have these two  apparently very small new tumors, but the nurse at scope time said they were VERY VERY SMALL   so I’m hoping they don’t grow too much between now and when they finally come out.  Right now I’m thinking its best to stay as far away from any hospital or people than getting the surgery..

    Good luck to you,  when you eventually get the scope I hope and pray its clear and you move on to maintenance.







    Hospitals are starting to postpone or avoid procedures that weaken our immune systems making us more susceptable to Covid-19. They are also freeing up resources to be able to treat those affected critically by Covid. More information can be found in the Covid-19 section of our forums.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    Hi lefmike: thanks for the support! Gosh love this forum ; I needed to share my concerns about keeping on schedule! Only you all would understand!

    Stand strong Mike – keep the faith those tumours stay Tiny!

    Take care- Cheers- Tana


    Hey Tana. Mine just got cancelled as well. Should have been next Tuesday (7 April). Covid as well. My problem is that I still have had to take Pyridium for pain and discomfort. I stopped taking it last Sunday. Had a decent few days and had to take them again today. It ticks me off because I don’t know what is causing the pain. I hate taking the **** pills because they are not covered by Ontario health plan and cost me $60.00 every two weeks.  If I have to take them I will, I just don’t know why. That’s what ticks me off.  I  guess I  will just have to wait.


    Keep safe everyone!  I personally don’t want to be near or in a hospital unless it’s an emergency.  Listening to Chris Cuomo from CNN two days ago, describe how he has been feeling and coping with COVID 19.  Here is a guy who is in great shape and yet he contracted the virus.  Temperatures of 106!  Hallucinations and sweating constantly.  He is able to monitor his blood oxygen level and lucky for him it’s just above ok, but it’s something he is religiously monitoring.

    I like all of you hope this crisis passes so we can get back to normal.

    My Best,


    Hi Study3101;

    That totally sucks about your pain – and not knowing what causes it- .

    But glad you can alleviate it with the medication even though it costs so much. Hopefully the pain will go away on its own soon for you.

    Take care! Soon this will be over and we’ll be back on schedule.

    hugs for you study3101;




    Hi Nightingale, I think that Tans and I are in the same headspace. Her BCG treatments were just a couple of weeks apart. Mine finished on March 13 and my due to. was scheduled for April 7 to see if the treatments had any effect. Naturally that was cancelled, I am not complaining about the fact, believe me, but as I am still in so much discomfort I was looking forward to finding out whether the treatments had any effect. I believe that fact is getting me down, particularly as we have no idea when it will be rescheduled.  This forum is so much help.



    Hi Nightingale;

    Yes that’s true- last place we want to be is in a hospital!

    I couldn’t help but want to be on schedule and so am patiently waiting and am lucky I’m in no discomfort.

    The fatigue has lessened up for me so it must have been side effects of BCG lingering on.

    Cheers- Tana



    I also received a call today cancelling my cystoscopy scheduled for April 16 in Toronto’s North York General Hospital.  The Dr.’s assistant also said that all surgeries are also suspended.  The uncertainty of when it will be done and what can happen in the meantime is troubling.

    Another concern is that when things get into a new normal, there will be a huge backlog and there might be long waiting time for the procedure.

    all the best to everyone; keep safe.


    Unfortunately,  we may have to wait. My cysto was cancelled and I was hoping to see whether my BCG treatment worked. Because I am still taking some pain pills I question whether it worked. Oh well I guess we all smile and try to stay positive even though it is becoming difficult.



    Hi Tana, hope this finds you well, I hope the delay in BC is not causing you too much anxiety.  Personally,  I called my GP last week to see if he got a report from my Urologist regarding the results of the cystoscopy I had Match 12 where they found two tumors as I mentioned on this thread earlier.  The GP said that the one tumor that looked possibly cancer measured 4-6 mm  that’s significantly smaller than the original tumor I had at this time last year, that one measured 3.5–4.5 CM   which is a little under 2 inches  the present on is less than 1/4 inch  and that the urology sample came back negative to cancer cells  but as we all know  those have false negatives a large number of times.  Sooooo   I’m holding out hope that the size of my tumor stays small in the mid term until I get the TURBT.   I’m curious if anyone scheduled for BCG treatments are getting them in Ontario.    I’m now thinking that I’ll be waiting well into the summer for TURBT #4  I’m sure there are many more in much more pressing situations than I , I’ve nothing to complain about.

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