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  • #37767

    Good evening everyone and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I am a 64 year old female who over the course of the past few months has had flank pain and severe recurrent uti’s necessitating multiple courses of cipro. Urinary urgency, pain and fullness in my bladder and burning on voiding, and lab tests which each time showed elevated wbc and microscopic hematuria. I have a history of kidney stones and at one point was sure I was passing stone due to the severity of the pain. My GP sent me for a CT which showed a normal bladder. I also saw a Urologist who said it was perfectly normal for women of my age to have an elevated wbc and blood in their urine and that I needed estrogen. He did not examine me nor did he order blood tests or any urine cultures. I continue to be symptomatic. I am concerned. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 11 years ago after similar symptoms. An ultrasound confirmed it, and a turbt followed by bcg after a recurrence took care of it till another recurrence a year ago. I understand the importance of early diagnosis and I am not sure how to proceed. Should I be reassured that the CT showed nothing and accept the hematuria as normal? Thank you.




    I would ask the urologist  for cystoscopy.      It is likely you do not have Bca, but cystoscopy will confirm or not the result of CT but also will help reduce the anxiety and stress when every time you have hematuria next time.     See the discussion among the patients in similar situation.

    Best wishes,





    Rick B

    Hi Eastcoastgal,

    I agree with Joe’s advice and also I believe your GP can order a Cytology (of the urine) which could detect any suspicious cells…you may want to have that done before the cystoscopy. Wishing you the very best and hope all works out fine for you.



    Thank you Joe. I did ask for a cysto but he reiterated that blood in urine and groin pain were common in menopausal women and that it was unnecessary. I will review the thread, thank you.


    Thank you Rick. I will request a cytology req from my GP. I don’t want to be an alarmist but I have read no literature indicating this is “normal”. I thought it unusual for a Urologist to think so.


    Hi Eastcoastgal,

    I had the same symptoms last summer (I’m male) and thought it might be kidney stones, but although the pain was as strong, it came and went differently.  My GP ordered a CT scan and a tumour was evident so she got a urologist to book me in for a cystoscopy one weeks later.  Diagnosis confirmed, shortly after I had a urogram, then a TURBT.  The following month I had another CT scan, bone scan, and started chemo.  Later came a RC and neo-bladder.  It’s been three months now and I’m pretty well fully recovered and back enjoying life.

    My advice:  Get to a urologist who will do a thorough examination.

    Best wishes, Don




    Well, It is natural to be concerned about your health to live a healthy and happy life. If you’re worried that you may have bladder cancer then you should definitely get the tests done. You can visit the specialist who can do the examination as per your request. There are different ways to diagnose the bladder cancer including urine tests, Cystoscopy, Biopsy and Ultrasound etc. You can decide the procedure of diagnosis as per the specialist’s consultancy. It is the best way to get assured if you’re diagnosed with bladder cancer or not.

    Best wishes from my side!


    Hi eastcoastgal:

    I second what everyone else has already said.

    Blood in the urine and groin pain are not normal.  I would insist on urine cytology to get a full workup on anything unusual ie cancer cells and a full exam of your urological tract to rule out not only bladder cancer but issues in the ureters or kidneys.  There are many reasons for this kind of pain and blood in the urine. If your current uro still insists that it is “normal” for women your age to have blood in the urine and that your groin pain is normal, I strongly recommend that you seek a second opinion.

    If nothing shows up in the urinary tract, I suggest asking  your GP for a referral to a good OB/GYN to rule out any reproductive issues ie fibroids, cysts etc. if you still have your “parts”.  Women can get blood in the urine when they are having gynological issues. Cysts and fibroids can cause groin pain.  Been there done that.  Women can experience delays in being diagnosed because both our urinary tract and reproductive tract parts are all in the same area and it can take time to sort it out.

    Please do not ignore the groin pain or the blood in the urine.  It is happening for a reason.  Hopefully it is minor but you won’t for sure know unless you get things investigated.  Best of luck and please let us know how it goes.  ((((HUGS))))


    Thank you Mary Sue and everyone,

    I will insist on a urine cytology from my gp and ask for another uro consult. Mary Sue, I no longer have any “parts”. I did ask the urologist whether I should see a urogynecologist for a urine test at least or an exam but he said no. He gave me a prescription for estrogen and said should the flank pain get more severe to head to emergency. The rest was age related. Thanks Mary Sue. It doesn’t feel normal to me. I am a healthy 64 year old gal who together with her husband, an 11 year bladder cancer survivor just hiked the 797 kilometre camino francis last year. Not one to over react, but experiencing a lot of discomfort and feeling discouraged at the moment. Thanks again, much appreciated.


    Hi, eastcoastgal:
    It is nice to learn about your inspirational and successful story.
    All best wishes

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