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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Cheyenne

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    Is it true that Chey moved to Cheyenne, WY. ?

    Jack Moon

    Who is Chey? There are bears in WY.
    Golf Ball aka Tree Killer


    He was pretty upset about the tree murder.


    All the best Chey, wherever you are.

    Maybe the tree killer got to him or he got hit with a golf ball. Or maybe the tree fell on him.

    Glad to meet you Kiowa, whoever you are! And to think I wrote a poem about Chey and then he left so suddenly. That’s gratitude for you!

    Gregowa Neelowa – too bad I’m not from Ottawa. Wah, wah, wah!


    Nice to meet you Gregowa. Sorry you aren’t an Otowa. Are you a Torontoa per chance?

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