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  • #41154

    Hello out there. I am Ferg Devins – survivor of non muscle invasive bladder cancer and Chair of the Bladder Cancer Canada Board of Directors. I am putting out a request for YOU to get involved – connect – share – walk in our September walk – subscribe to our newsletter. We need to reach more of the 80,000 patients across Canada. You can start that momentum by jumping in. Contact me at or give me a buzz at 416.528.5961 – our staff have plenty of opportunities for you to play a part. Chat soon !

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Nightingale.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Nightingale.

    Ferg Devins - Survivor and Volunteer Chair Bladder Cancer Canada


    Hi Ferg,

    This is great!  I have been INVOLVED with BCC now for approximately 6 years.  When I first decided to get involved, I figured I’d do it for a year and see how I liked it and here we are 6 years later and getting even MORE involved.  As you know I moderate this Forum, facilitate the Hamilton Support Group and represent Bladder Cancer Canada as an Ambassador for the Greater Hamilton area.  I’m enjoying being able to utilize all the knowledge and experience I have acquired over the years when I worked full-time.

    The experience has been great and above all else, I especially enjoy the fact that I can help other patients…very gratifying!

    I hope we can get more folks involved…be good to meet new friends!

    Keep well!


    Hi Ferg:

    I echo your sentiments and Nightingale’s.  It has been a tougher go with the pandemic on top of it all.

    I have been involved with BCC since 2010 and as an official volunteer since 2011 when I participated in the first or second walk in Calgary led by Val Macleod.  We also had our first Calgary in person patient meeting in October 2011.  I learned so much from that meeting and also got connected with my fellow support group co-founder and co-facilitator.  Our group ran from 2012-2016.  We continued for a while via phone and email support.  Calgary’s support group is not officially active at the moment but we are still hopeful that others will eventually help reactivate it.

    I will always be grateful to Bladder Cancer Canada not only for helping me through my bladder cancer journey but the ability to give back has been probably one of the most rewarding of my life.  When I was first diagnosed in 2008, BCC was not up and running yet and I had no one to talk to and that was nothing short of frightening.  I actually thought I had a rare disease so I was blown completely out of the water when I discovered how common bladder cancer really was albeit not quite so much for women.

    This all being said, it takes many hands to make light work.  Come one, come all… Let’s get going and do what we can.  ((((HUGS))))

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