Hi Everyone:
Just a note to let you know that myself and a co-facilitator are rebooting the Calgary in person support group. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday April 1, 2020.
Details are as follows:
Meeting Date : First Wednesday of each month (except July and August)
Location: Kerby Centre 1133 7th Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB Room 301 3rd Floor
Time: 7 – 9 PM
Free parking is available on east side of building and in lot across the C-Train tracks on 7th Ave. Please register your licence plate at the reception desk on the main floor before coming upstairs to the meeting to avoid being ticketed.
We would also appreciate an RVSP if you plan to attend meetings. You can private message me on this site and I will give you contact info.
When we were operating the group from 2012-2016 our two main challenges were that people would just come to the group for the info they needed and then they stopped attending meetings and the other was that we didn’t have anyone with RC experience that could offer consistent support to attendees. To help make our group succeed this time, we are hoping that people that choose to come will become regular attendees and that some will also become facilitators. We especially need facilitators with RC patient experience. Time commitment will be 2 hours for once a month – less if we succeed and have multiple facilitators. Solving these two things will go a long way to helping the group grow and succeed.
Many thanks for your consideration of this matter. Looking forward to seeing you there!