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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for October- Who is up for tests, surgeries, treatments etc.?

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  • #19803

    Thanks Cheryl and Rick.

    Cheryl, I love your positive attitude towards the BCG. I should probably try that. I have however moved a bit more towards the acceptance of it. It is what it is and I can either stick my head in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen of I can accept it for what it is. Right now, this is what’s best for me and I’ve chosen to give my body a break after this and let go of the fertility treatments until at least summer time.

    Rick good luck with your customers. Crossing my fingers for an all clear for you.

    Btw, I had my first of 3 BCG this week and it wasn’t too bad. Of course the dash to the washroom, but just a bit of nausea on the second day…. Mostly Ok now.

    Cliff K

    Hi all!
    Just had my TURBT yesterday, which also happened to be my 46th birthday!
    Now awaiting results with fingers crossed it isn’t too serious!



    I hope you had a great birthday despite the TURBT Cliff! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you awaiting the results.


    Hello Cliff

    What an awesome birthday present to have cancer removed and, potentially, be cancer free!

    Regardless of the results, you are now one step further in your fight. Always great to know the cancer isn’t having free reign with one’s bladder anymore. No more party time for the cancer! Now it is your turn to go on the attack.

    Take care

    Jack Moon

    I bet you are glad that is over with Cliff. When you meet with your Uro to discuss the lab results on the biopsies, insure to get a copy of the pathology report.
    Best of luck,

    Rick B

    Hi all,

    Another all clear last week…scheduled for next cysto in 6 months. Waiting for cytology results that I asked for…history of cis which is not easily detected with the white light…not using the blue light here yet. 2+ years now and hoping it continues.

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers…all the best to those with scheduled checks, etc.


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