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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for October 2018 – Who is up for Surgeries, Treatments and Tests?

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  • #32338

    Hi Everyone:

    It’s hard to believe that fall is here and we are heading into the final quarter of 2018.  Where did the year go?  It has been a very challenging year for a lot of people both in matters relating to bladder cancer and many other facets of their lives.

    I’m chugging along trying to avoid taking on more stuff but easier said than done.  Best wishes to all who have stuff this month.  Let’s hope and pray for good results.  ((((HUGS))))


    October 22nd…. Ultrasound in preparation for November 5, 3rd annual post-op . No ct this time… just a pelvic ultrasound. This avoids unneccessary radiation exposure associated with ct scans ( in my case).

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

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