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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for November 2019 – Who is up for Surgeries, Tests and Treatments?


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  • #36844

    Hello again all;

    November will be coming up shortly.  It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of 2019 already.

    Things on my mind right now – recently BCC posted about how there is an increase in the number of cases of bladder cancer in Canada up to nearly 12,000 for 2019.  It is now 11th for women, not 12th.  I have noticed from the posts that we have an increase of younger people being diagnosed particularly women.  I don’t know what the reason(s) is/are but can only hope and pray that research will be successful in finding a cure for this disease.

    In the meantime – let’s all of us continue to band together and offer positive thoughts, prayers and support for our brothers and sisters who are in this battle to defeat the BC in their lives.

    Nothing treatment related for me this month.  All the best to everyone dealing with “stuff”.  ((((HUGS))))

    Rick B


    Nothing for me this month…wishing all who are scheduled to have treatments, procedures, etc., the very best…stay strong, stay positive.



    I am scheduled for an RC on November 4th and am opting for a neo-bladder.  Have a final consult with my surgeon Oct 29th to discuss the “what if’s …. then’s”.  Rather anxious about what I’m in for both short and long term. Nice to read the success stories.  I hope I’m another, but it seems there are a lot of not so successful outcomes.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Donald123.
    Rick B

    Hi Donald,

    Wishing you the very best…no doubt your surgeon will be able to answer some concerns you might have still. I was fortunate in that my BC was low grade but as you said there are a lot of RC success stories out there. The focus now will be “one step at a time” and think of the things you want to do once this is behind you.

    Stay positive…stay strong…god bless.



    Hi Donald123:

    Just want to wish you the best for your upcoming surgery.  You will receive lots of post op help in the hospital to adjust to your “new” bladder.  If needed, I recommend that you connect with other “neos” on this site to garner tips and tricks about life post op.  Just leave a message at the BCC toll free number and someone will get back to you.

    I like Rick didn’t need an RC, but did need the support of others to help keep my head in the game.  This discussion forum was a godsend.  Good luck and keep us posted as you are able.  ((((HUGS))))


    Thank you so much Rick and Marysue for your support and encouragement.  Greatly appreciated.  Been a busy couple of weeks getting stuff done in preparation for my 6-8 weeks recovery period.  Have the rest of this week to prepare myself now.  I will reach out as needed, and keep you posted.




    Good luck with your upcoming procedure Donald123,   On the 4th I’ll include you specifically in my prayers 🙂

    I too have a procedure ( TURBT) on the 25th  nothing like you will be dealing with but still concerning all the same…



    Thank you so much Lefmike.  Yes a TURBT is concerning, however they have gotten pretty good at them. Unfortunately they have lots of practice. Good luck with your procedure and any following treatment.
    Take care, Don

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