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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for November 2017- Who is up for Surgeries, Treatments and Tests?

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    Hello again everyone:

    Another month is drawing to a close. Remembrance Day is around the corner and time to remember and reflect on those who served and make the ultimate sacrifice. I don’t know where this year has gone to. Does anyone know how to slow time down?

    Anyhow, I hope that time will bring good news, and healing to all those dealing with “stuff” in November. Positive thoughts and prayers to all. ((((((HUGS))))))


    I haven’t been on here in a very long time. I have been trying to put the cancer behind me, all the while keeping up with my scheduled appointments. My last BCG treatments were in May 2016. Afterwords, when I met with my urologist for my cystoscopy, I think in June 2016, I discussed how hard the treatments were on my body and while discussing it with him, chose to discontinue any further BCG treatments. I just needed to start feeling my age again (I am only 42 years old). Anyhow, my cystoscopies have all been clear ever since, my last one being in June 2017.

    I then proceeded to start fertility treatments, since I had some embryos frozen before any of my treatments. I have had 5 unsuccessful transfers done. The last failed transfer being early October. During this one, I got really sick, possibly a virus that was going around the school and I have also had some serious pelvic pain that at first I contributed to my ovary twisting because of the weight of the enlarged follicles that never released. However, on October 12th, I had an appointment with my fertility doctor following an ultrasound. Since the pelvic pain was still there, she could clearly see that I was still unwell and that she knew my medical history, she insisted that I return to see my urologist. Especially after I admitted that there had been some blood in my urine. I figured since the blood at stopped that it was ok, but she insisted I go and see him and it truly scared me that not only was I unsuccessful with any attempts to get pregnant, but that I might have bladder cancer again.

    So, I’ve seen my family physician who sent me for a pelvic ultrasound, x-rays for my lungs and sinuses because of the virus that wouldn’t go away and bloodwork… Then, I finally got a call back from the urologist and I will be going for a CAT Scan to see if that will help identify what the issue is.

    I am really scared. I am being positive and I know that if it’s back, I will be ok. I’m still frustrated because all I wanted to focus on was getting pregnant. I’m not getting any younger. I only have one last chance to get pregnant. The fertility doctor seems to have lost hope in my getting any success at this point… It’s just that being a mother is the only dream I’ve ever had… What do I do once there is no longer any hope…

    I don’t want to have bladder cancer again, but I know it is quite common for it to return (50-80% right?). At the same time, I want them to find something so I can deal with it and move on… I don’t want to be in pain anymore. People keep telling me to be positive, not to stress right now, but the wait, the pain… everything is too much for me at times. I feel like maybe the virus or cold is getting better, the pain in my pelvis area is better, but I still have to wait for the yay or nay part… I hate the wait… don’t know when the CAT scan will be, got a call from the secretary last Thursday to discuss the plan. Then she said she would get back to me with the date. Called them back on Monday and she said she would make sure the Dr signs the requisition form today and get back to me… still no message and it’s just driving me bonkers!


    Hi Az:

    Welcome back, but sorry to learn that you’ve had a lot of challenges this past while.

    I honestly wish that I could wave a magic wand to give you perfect health and put that very much longed for baby in your arms. I’d do it in a heart beat if I could.

    As someone who has had four children, the last when I was 36, I can tell you that as you age, pregnancy takes a greater toll on your body. I had my first child at 26 and dealt with what I thought were bouts of morning sickness but were actually gall bladder attacks. Not fun. My middle two pregnancies went well overall but my last one had some challenges mostly because of all the stress I was under at the time in addition to handling the demands of 3 other kids under the age of 10. I was very run down and hadn’t looked after myself very well. After two near misses with miscarrying him, my son was born a bit early and had a very weak immune system which made for a very challenging first two years with him being very sick most of the time. This not only added to my overall stress but ran me down even more health wise.

    Therefore I strongly recommend to ensure the best chance of getting pregnant (especially via fertility treatments), and having a lower risk of complications and being able to deliver a healthy full term baby, it is absolutely imperative that you make sure that you are cancer free and clear of any other potential problems although I’m sure that you are already aware of this. You do not want to be pregnant and facing the risk of losing that child if you are dealing with cancer and having to have any surgeries or treatments.

    I know from experience when dealing with a wailing newborn at 3 AM for several nights straight, you need to be in as top shape as you can get yourself prior to that time. If you are experiencing extreme sleep deprivation, it can really drain your immune system so if you are in poor shape at the beginning you will really feel it and it will be more difficult to cope with your overall life. As I said, been there, done that.

    I have heard that the greater the stress, the more difficult it can be to conceive. Since you are really stressed out over dealing with bladder cancer and potentially other things on top of the stress of trying to get pregnant maybe it is just too much at the moment?

    The waits for test results and appointments with bladder cancer are certainly frustrating. Again, been there, done that. It holds us up with life plans including wanting to get pregnant. While I was past the age and stage of having any more kids, I experienced delays and frustrations that affected my going back to work and making some other life style choices. Sometimes we feel as if the world has stopped while we wait to be called for appointments or for test results and that no one is listening or appears to care.

    At this time, I can only suggest to try to find ways to de-stress as best you can. Eat well, try to exercise, get lots of rest and take any recommended vitamins or supplements. Do anything within your power that you can manage to get into the best shape of your life. I don’t recommend a fitness boot camp or anything like that. Just do what you can manage. For me, walking and riding my indoor bike not only help with fitness but release a lot of pent up energy and help de-stress.

    Easier said than done, I know. I have also found yoga and acupuncture really helpful dealing with stress both when dealing with bladder cancer issues and life in general.

    I hope that my comments help. Best wishes going forward. ((((((HUGS)))))

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