IMPORTANT:The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.
Well folks, another month is in the waning stages. 2014 is going by fast at super speed. I’d like to wish all those having stuff done this month all the best. I do have a cysto scheduled for the 21st and am expecting an all clear as I haven’t experienced any issues. Who else is up for stuff?
I had good news too on March 20th with another all clear. Still have to get the cytology results but my urologist said everything looks really good.
I asked for maintenance to start. It will take place end of April (2 treatments) and probably 2 more in 6 mos. Will determine then if it needs to continue. I expect the cysto’s every 3 mos for awhile…I prefer the close watch.