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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for June 2020 -Who is up for Surgeries, Tests and Treatments?

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    Hi Everyone:

    These are strange times that we live in to say the least.  I hope that everyone is staying safe. Me and mine are fine.  We are staying home as much as possible.

    Many have commented on the delays, postponements of surgeries, tests and treatments due to COVID 19.  Having experienced lots of anxiety and stress during my own bladder cancer journey which did not include dealing with a world wide pandemic on top of it, I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like to deal with that.

    However, we do have the power of community and community support.  Let’s all join together in positive thoughts and prayers for our brothers and sisters that are dealing with “stuff” and need to get things done despite the pandemic. I also offer up my usual virtual (((((((HUGS))))))))) to all.  Stay safe everyone.


    I have a cysto June 15th after my first maintenance round of BCG. If clear 3 more treatments in July. Side effects are starting to increase. Worth it!

    So far nothing is cancelled.




    Hope everything goes well Peter…..Don


    June will be busy for me as I go back into BCG treatments for the next 6 weeks starting next Tuesday.  The treatments this time will include interferon, here’s praying the additive does the trick, 4 TURBT’s,  9 BCG, 5 scopes in the span of 9 months is a lot I feel.

    The last TURBT at the end of April has taken a lot longer to recover from,  I’m just starting to feel recovered, now I’m wondering if they cause additional issues in the long run.  I’ll take them though, the alternative is not a walk in the park.

    Good Health to everyone here…



    Got word today that my Monday morning cystoscopy is cancelled. Tentatively rescheduled for September 28. All due to Covid related patient back log. Had hoped to have 3 BCG maintenance treatments in July. My wife is stressed and our eldest daughter is livid. Haven’t told our two other children. Adverse reactions  of those who care about you is not helpful.



    Can certainly understand the stress and concern that the postponement creates.  Perhaps contacted your urologist and/or oncologist may clarify things a bit and provide a little piece of mind.  Hope things go well for you.





    Hi petertg:

    I agree with Donald. I would place a call to your urologist to confirm if the delayed cysto is okay in your case and when the next BCG installments can go ahead just for your peace of mind and to calm family members.  You are right.  Angry family members do not add anything positive to your situation.  You have enough stress as it is.

    I was fortunate that I was not dealing with a pandemic or a BCG shortfall when undergoing surgery and treatments but did make the conscious decision to keep the amount of info I gave to family members to a minimum.  This was to keep communication with them simple and less stressed.  I learned this early on because I have a sister-in-law who means well, but thinks she knows more than she does.  Back in 2011, when I told her about the BCG treatments and what was involved, she thought they would be useless and that I should have the regular systemic chemo instead which was totally inappropriate for my situation. It resulted in an argument when I told her that my doctor would know more about bladder cancer and its appropriate treatments than either of us and it was in my best interest to follow his advice.  After that “discussion” I kept everything as quiet as I could.  Hope all is well going forward.  ((((HUGS))))


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