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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for June 2016 – Who’s up for Surgery, tests, treatments?

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  • #8386

    Hi Everyone:

    It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the half way mark of 2016 already. Nothing for me this month. All the best for a good summer – let’s hear it for the “all clears” and prayers for those struggling with “stuff”.


    I’m scheduled for my second cystoscopy on June 7. I’ve had bladder pain ever since the TUR (Feb.) so let’s hope it’s just inflammation and not a recurrence!

    My best thoughts to everyone undergoing anything in June!


    Jack Moon

    Good luck on the 7th Chabada!


    Starting maintenance BCG on the 27th of May and going into June…That’s if it’s an all-clear on my 2nd scope this week. Looking forward to starting them so they can end quicker.


    Rick B

    Hi all,

    Nothing for me in June…Chabada / mr. claude wish all goes well for each of you. Best wishes to all having any procedures, treatments and/or bladder watch follow-up.

    God Bless.



    Treeline will have a radical cystectomy on 10 June. Travelling south to Edmonton on Tuesday for pre-surgery check up and preparing. Looking forward to having no cancer and living with less anxiety and travelling more (back to lots of xcountry ski and hiking)! These are the goals! Love you Treeline 🙂 Wishing a speedy recovery. I’ll be with you.


    Well, cysto showed all clear! I saw it, a nice clean pretty bladder, no inflammation, no tumour, just scar tissue where the old tumour was. So Dr was happy and so was I. The only thing is that he could not explain the pain/urgency/frequency so he has scheduled another scan. So we’ll see! in the meantime I am relieved there’s no (visible) cancer!

    Mr. Claude, I hope all is going well for you.

    Suzy/Treeline, best wishes for a speedy recovery!!


    Jack Moon

    Great news Suzanne!!!!!!!!!!!


    POD 1- first day with an IC after RC. sleeping a lot. Plan is to sit up for 6 hours today and try to walk a bit. Not sure if gum chewing is allowed, read it was good. The goal is to avoid Ileius like last october.


    Glad to hear that things seem to have gone well with the RC, suzYkskier! I did the gum chewing thing, which was promoted by the hospital as a way of getting gastric processes working again. Walking should also help.

    Arn’s bladder

    Hi everyone … Arn has been referred to the Vancouver BC major Cancer Clinic for a 2nd opinion. After almost 2 years of TURBTS & BCG he is no better or not much worse. He has a consultation scheduled for Wed. June 22 at 7 am.

    We are very hopeful that starting with a “clean slate” so to speak, that there is a treatment that will work. They should have the biopsy reports from Arn’s TURBT that was done on June 3, 2016.

    Please God, don’t let it spread ….

    thank you,

    Arn’s wife Kory (I had the date wrong on this post – the consultation is on June 22, not June 15 … )

    Rick B

    Arn & Kory,

    The very best thoughts and many prayers for a most favorable outcome on June 15th…keep us posted.

    God Bless.



    day two post RC: nausea and vomiting. NG tube will be in if he vomits again. xray done. very sleepy.

    Arn’s bladder

    Arn & Kory,

    The very best thoughts and many prayers for a most favorable outcome on June 15th…keep us posted.

    God Bless.


    Thank you Rick for your encouragement! I got the date wrong. His consultation is on Wed. June 22 (not June 15).




    Wow, time goes by fast. Have scope June 20 and 3 rounds of BCG starting June 21. Goofy schedule but this was the only way it would work out around a scheduled holiday in July. The COPS unit where I get the treatments is so awesome to do this for me!

    Regarding me being rather absent the last few months: had a lot of friends and family either pass away or being diagnosed with cancer. Has kept me rather busy and preoccupied as everyone seems to turn to me for support. Add to this that I am the caretaker for my disabled husband and have two children struggling with mental illness and that leaves my days rather full!

    Anyway, I am still alive and kicking and that is what counts!

    And to those that are struggling, my favourite quote:

    “I like living. I have sometimes been wildly despairing, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing” Agatha Christie

    Take care

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