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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for February 2017- Who is up for tests, surgeries and procedures?

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  • #8469

    Hi Everyone:

    I hope that everyone had a reasonable start to their New Year. February is fast approaching already so I’m getting this up before I forget. All the best to those that have “stuff” this month. Our positive thoughts and prayers from us at BCC are with all of you that have challenges still to overcome. Take care everyone. (((((HUGS))))

    Rob T

    supposed to have another cysto – no date sent to me yet.


    Hi Rob:

    How often are you supposed to be going for cystos? If you’re due, you should hear soon. Some offices call, others send a letter. Still others do both and send a reminder call the week before. If you’re not sure, it wouldn’t hurt to call the uro’s office to check. Good luck when you do go in. (((((HUGS)))))

    Rob T

    I am still on 3 months for an as yet indefinite period – have had 6 or 7 so far – I normally find out about 2-3 week in advance.


    I’m scheduled for a cystoscopy on Feb. 8 – After that, if all clear, I think my doc is going to move me to 6 months


    I’m scheduled for a cystoscopy on Feb. 8th. Not looking forward to it. My last one about 6 months ago and there were several tumors, so of course, this was followed by a TURBT. Keeping fingers crossed for better news this time. Will post after. Of course, no chance of cure for unrelated lung cancer. On it goes.

    Rick B

    Hi all,

    Nothing for me until April…wishing all the best to everyone having follow-up and/or planned procedures. Sorry to hear about the incurable unrelated lung cancer Shelties…God Bless.

    To Rob T…I was on 3 month and now 6 month follow-up…after each follow-up I immediately ask my Uro’s office to schedule my next one which they would do without hesitation…that way I can get on with planning my activities around it.



    Hi all, had my cystoscopy and got an all clear!!! only the second time in the almost 4 years since I’ve been diagnosed! Ask me if I’m over the moon. I can breathe easy for a few months until the next one, but I’ll take all the good news I can get. Good luck to everyone having stuff this month.

    Take care.


    Congrats Lorraine! Definitely party time! Wahoooooo! ((((HUGS))))

    Jack Moon

    Congrats Lorraine, Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rick B

    Congrats Lorraine…that is great news.

    God Bless,



    A new friend who I was talking with today is having his R/C tomorrow morning. Today was the first time he heard of BCC. I introduced him to our forum support community and hope to see him join us here shortly.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

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