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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for December 2023 – Who is up for Surgeries, Treatments and Tests?

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  • #46490

    Hi Everyone:

    My apologies for missing last month and almost missing this month as well.  I don’t know where the time goes.  We are heading into the last month of 2023.  Christmas and New Year’s can be hard enough sometimes, but it gets even harder when you are dealing with something like bladder cancer where you may be recovering from yet another surgery, feeling crappy from treatments or anxious about waiting for results or an upcoming test. I also include in this the many hard working and caring caregivers that support loved ones with bladder cancer.

    We may take holidays this time of year but unfortunately bladder cancer doesn’t.  As we turn our thoughts to our upcoming Christmas festivities and/or other religious and/or cultural traditions, let us keep our brothers and sisters that are going through “stuff” in our thoughts and prayers.  My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you all.   (((HUGS)))

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