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Homepage – Forum Forums Monthly Treatment Calendar Calendar for December 2022 – Who is up for Surgeries, Treatments and Tests?

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    Hi Everyone:

    It is hard to believe that I’m posting for the last month of 2022 already.  The year has gone by very fast.  A lot has happened for many of us this year including myself.  I was diagnosed with non-muscle invasive CIS in September  after being cancer free for 12 years and my recovery from my TURBT has been a bumpy ride.  I will be one of many going for “stuff” this coming month.  I need to have follow up BCG treatments starting on November 25th and will go into December and finish in January since the clinic will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s.

    Like for many of us,  Christmas will not be the most fun this year as I will be dealing with side effects from the BCG, but I try to remain grateful that I have access to this treatment and that it will give me another shot at being cancer free at least for a time.  Christmas can be a time for a miracle.  I’m praying for this for myself and everyone else who has “stuff” this month.  Best Wishes to all.  ((((HUGS))))


    Good morning Marysue. My prayers are with you as you go forth into this new time of challenge. I have a cystoscopy scheduled for early Dec. to verify that I am still clear of cancer. (have been since Oct. 2020) You appear to be a strong woman and I have no fear for you as you will conquer this once again. Remember that you are never alone in this.


    Hi Danielle:

    Thank you for your good wishes and prayers.  That means a lot to me.  My prayers and thoughts are with you as well for your December cysto.  I hope that you will be “all clear”.

    You are right in that I’m not alone and being part of our women’s group and BCC makes all the difference.  I didn’t have that support on my previous dealings with bladder cancer.  Even though I had good support from my family and friends, having support from fellow patients is an added bonus because as we both know, “it takes one to know one”.   Because of our share experiences we understand another patient’s fears, worries and totally get it when they are upset over a recurrence or something else.  When I found BCC after my recurrence in late 2010 a couple of conversations with fellow patients really helped me get a better perspective on my own situation at the time.  While serious, it was not life threatening and it was just one tumour and a tiny one at that.  Once I understood that, I felt ever so much better.  Once again, best wishes to all. ((((HUGS))))


    Hi MarySue,

    Thank you for leading this last Calendar initiative for 2022.  I am wishing you the best for your upcoming treatments and praying your situation is taken care of, and you’re all healed up for 2023.  Take care my friend!

    My best,


    Hi MarySue. I haven’t been on here in a long while. Just read your post and thinking good thoughts for your bump in the road ahead. I know with your great outlook on life you will knock this out of the park but all the best in your journey dealing with bcg.

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