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  • #31713

    A newspaper article on the use of blue light cystoscopy in Canada:

    Jack Moon

    Great to see this technology in Vancouver and soon in 2 other cities in BC. Any new treatment or method of diagnosis of bladder cancer is most welcome by bladder cancer patients. Need the blue light in all hospitals that perform cystos and turbts.
    Thanks for posting SJay,

    M C

    During my recent Cystoscopy on June 01, I asked my urologist at the Ottawa General Hospital about Blue Light Cystoscopy. He replied that at $2000/treatment, it was not cost effective and they would not be getting it at the Ottawa General. The Cystoscopy showed that my bladder was clear. A positive outcome for sure. I will be scheduled to receive three maintenance BCG treatments in July.  I wasn’t aware that this treatment is so expensive.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by M C.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by M C.
    Jack Moon

    Hi MC
    Great news on the all clear, and all the best on your upcoming maintenance treatments.
    PS. The cost for the solution that is instilled into the bladder is approx $700. The payback is less recurrences, less chemo instillation’s, fewer cystos, and of course saving bladders and in some cases lives. The initial investment in the equipment is approx $125,000.


    I have always thought that the health care system has it backwards.  They seem to focus on treating the systems and the situation at the time and NOT focus on prevention.  As mentioned the initial outlay for a bluelight might be a bit high but if it saves on recurrences, bladder removals etc.  that is huge and yes, I agree in the long run would save the health care system money.  The other side to this would be to find ways to bring the cost of the equipment and bladder solution down.




    I live in BC.  My urologist spoke with Dr. Black, still working out whom will qualify for blue light cyst view and how it will be shared among all the urologist patients.

    Only a few spots have been designated for surveillance, for myself  38 y/o otherwise health/no risk factors does not qualify NMIBC (somewhat makes sense kept for more advanced cases; however in my view keeping me healthy long term seems like a good outcome).

    Interested in knowing the criteria?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by wapta.
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