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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Been a while since I was here

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    Cat was /is sick, hubby was/is sick, son is sick, and I just got a bad cold and sore throat starting yesterday!

    This is not a good year so far. grrrrrrr

    Hope you all have avoided whatever the heck is going around this year. I have a lot of online friends that have colds or flu.

    Rest? yeah with 3 cats, one stray, raccoons knocking on the door. lots of rest 😛


    Wow! Between sick family members and sick animals I bet it was hard to decide whether to stick everyone in the hospital, the vet’s or the crazy house!! LOL! Hope everyone is well soon!! My family and myself had a mild version of whatever the current bug is but one of my closest friends and her oldest son both were sick for 2 weeks. It is a nasty flu this year. ((HUGS)). 😛


    Mostly my throat. It is sore all day . Hurts so badly all day for 3 days now. Cat is a bit better, hubby just has a ciugh now, and son is sick but at work again cause he decided he knows more than doctors or his mother ARGH!!

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