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    An article via Global News quoting David Guttman and BCC.


    I wonder if this was why my doc told me he decided to not have me get the bcg treatment this time when he originally told me I would be getting it after my turbt this time. Hmmm hope this shortage gets under control soon.



    This is really scary. As someone who believe that BCG was an important component to my 4.5 years of no reoccurences, I am concerned that others who could benefit from this treatment have their health at risk.


    I’m also concerned Val. I called the cancer centre here in my area and they confirmed also the bcg shortage but they did say they have protocols in place for those most needy so that’s good. They couldn’t give me all the details but did say they expect things to get better in the near future. So hopefully everyone that is already scheduled for treatment are able to be accommodated.


    There was a shortage in Europe before and it caused a lot of panic. I hope that our shortage will be over quickly. It could make a difference for a lot of people. BCG has worked well for me and even though I had nasty side effects my efforts paid off. I want the same for everyone else.


    I’m in Halifax and coming up for another set of BCG treatments next month. Since I’ve been told this cancer is very aggressive, I would hope that my treatments won’t be delayed, creating more challenges for me. As much as I dread getting them, if they save my life, I’ll take them. Certainly, having bladder cancer is stressful enough, but now having to worry about a shortage of treatment, sure adds to that stress. This is my third cancer diagnosis in less than 5 years, having had colon and lung cancer previously. This bladder cancer is not related to either of those cancers. I see my oncologist next week for a cystoscopy, so hopefully I will get more information from him then. In the meantime, I will certainly watch for further information on this shortage.


    Hi Shelties,

    You may want to take a look at the News section of the site and beneath that is “Latest News”. There is a posting there that may be of interest for you to read regarding potential considerations.


    Sending you positive vibes. Keep us posted.



    Thanks for that Ed, I will discuss it further with my urologist next week when I see him for follow-up. There is so much about this bladder cancer that I don’t understand and trying to get information is like pulling teeth, especially when I’m not even sure what questions I should be asking. I think I will print off that report and take it with me when I go for my apt. To make matters worse, I will be seeing a new urologist starting next week as the one I have been dealing with has left the province. If I can piece together something that makes sense from my discussion next week, I will let you know what I learn from it all.

    Thanks again.


    Hi Shelties,

    My pleasure. I know what you mean, it can be quite a lot of information to take in and as you said, there aren’t many resources to explain BC or its associated bits and pieces.

    Are you a part of a support group in NS? If not, you may want to call the BCC patient support line. The people on the other end have all the answers and if they don’t right that moment, they will certainly be able to get them for you.



    Hi Ed, thanks for that response. We don’t have too much set up here in Halifax as yet. The walk is just getting organized now, and I think after that things may move along. I’m not in the best shape right now so haven’t been able to take an active part as yet, but hopefully, I will be able at some point. After my cysto on Thursday, I’ll know better what I need to ask and will surely call the patient line. I suppose the number is somewhere on this site?


    Hi Shelties,

    My pleasure. Hopefully a support group is step up out your way in the not too distant future.

    The number is at the top of the Home Page but for ease, here you go – 1+ 866.674.8889

    Sending you “all clear” vibes for Thursday. Let us know how it goes.




    Has anyone experienced the shortage yet in Hamilton/Jurvinski ? Just curious as My Dad is 15 days away from this proposed treatment.


    Bladder Cancer Canada’s Medical Advisory Team are recommending reduced dosages for patients. Quite a few of my last BCG were on reduced dosage because I was reacting to the treatments. They still seemed to have worked! 4.5 years cancer free.
    Hoping and praying the shortage is not for very long.

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