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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic BCC May Awareness Month

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    Re BCC Tweet: “The month of May we are going to raise awareness…be ready to #ShowYellow next month – help us shout out #BladderCancer awareness”.

    I’ve designed a two sided business size card to promote our new Kingston, Ontario Facebook page. On the back are some facts and symptoms about bladder cancer. I plan to drop off a few copies to my ostomy supplier and a couple of other local places visited by patients and others who might benefit from the link to our Facebook page and messages on the card. A local landmark is pictured on the card to help identify it more with our local area.

    I’ve never used hashtags… so I had to check into what they are all about and how to use them….

    Thanks to Tammy, Kerry, and others in Toronto for their comments and updates prior to printing. Cost is under $20/500 double sided glossy. Local groups feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I use to easily create and order cards, stickers, and branded gifts like pens, caps, fridge magnets etc. I can also share artwork with other BCC locals.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    Hi Gerry, that’s a very impressive card to raise awareness of bladder cancer. It certainly will grab some attention which is badly needed because when I was diagnosed with it, I had never heard tell of it, and neither had my family and friends. Education is so important because as we know, the sooner its’ identified, the sooner treatment can begin, which is crucial to the outcome. You’ve done a very good job with it. Congratulations!! You’ll never know the numbers of people you may help with this information.


    Jack Moon

    Great Job Gerry!!!!!!!!!!!


    Internet was down yesterday during my morning ritual quiet time at Tim Hortons on my way to work. Picked up the free local Snapd paper that I see all over town to pass the time. (Canada-wide local printings) Thought…. ‘How about raising BC awareness in this widely-distributed paper that promotes local organization news, causes and events. Deadline for the May issue is April 21st. There is a charge for postings depending on the size but there is potential for at least an announcement to be included in their event calendar. I have talked with Snapd-Kingston about my experience and May being Awareness Month, and given them the address of our local Facebook page which contains more information about BCC.

    Further: BCC Toronto told me today that a number of local Walk groups already know of Snapd.. “Its up to the local walk committees to contact Snap.  Many of them do.”

    On request, Snapd can provide an informative media kit with rates and demographic information for any other local groups interested in pursuing this opportunity.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

    Rick B

    That is an awesome creative way to bring awareness…great stuff Gerry!!!


    Would it be possible for Bladder Cancer Canada to attach their logo design standards document here as well as vector graphic files of the BCC ribbon and the BCC Ribbon with the organization name? I have had to use cropped jpg images from the standards document up to now. Unfortunately, jpg’s are not as sharp as vector graphic files. This might help local groups with their awareness campaigns. Option might be to provide a contact for these requests. Thank-you.
    Attached… a pen to help raise awareness of our local BCC group and the organization.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

    Jack Moon

    Hi Gerry, I will contact Kerry regarding your request.
    her email: “”

    All the best,


    For Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, BCAN posted a link to this quiz to test knowledge of Bladder Cancer. A great way to raise awareness with family and friends!

    Maybe the Bladder Cancer Canada experts can create a Canadian version of this quiz for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month! Links to the BCC quiz could be added to our local Facebook pages. I found it entertaining and challenging at the same time. Here’s a link to the free site used by BCAN and others to create online quizzes:

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    I submitted the Kingston BCC Group Awareness Community Calendar article for Snap Kingston this morning. Goal is to raise awareness of bladder cancer, our website and Facebook page locally. Might also appear in the May issue of our local Snapd paper if space permits.

    The Snapd Newspaper group operates across Canada and provides free local community calendar listings online and in their papers. For a nominal fee, they can also provide a photographer to provide event coverage for meetings and Walks.

    Kingston BCC Group wallet-sized promo cards and pens will be arriving later this week. Cards will be distributed around the area, pinned on community bulletin boards outside of grocery stores, etc.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    Urgent urination….. when you really, really need to pee almost every day… The symptom that I was not aware of and just passed off as just a larger prostate because of my age…. wrong! Every month is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month for me. I’m one of many living with the results of having bladder cancer.

    I wonder if Gulls can get bladder cancer? 🙂

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands


    Part of a regional blitz to create ongoing awareness through ‘Likes’ of our local BCC Facebook page during the month of May. Posted in various local social media accounts to drive some traffic to the BCC website and Facebook page.

    Kingston and the 1000 Islands

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