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Homepage – Forum Forums Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Balloon-occluded arterial infusion for bladder cancer treatment

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  • #8031


    I was reading information regarding balloon-occluded arterial infusion for bladder cancer treatment. Wondering why this is not an option in Canada? There is published government medical documentation on the internet regarding the outcomes of this procedure/treatment and it seems very promising and preserves your bladder. Wonder why it is only available in Japan? Has anyone else heard of this procedure?

    Jack Moon

    Yes I have heard of this procedure, not sure why the procedure has not been used in Canada for in invasive bladder cancer.
    I do know a few survivors here in Canada that have had chemo/radiation combination, but not sure if it is the same procedure as used in Japan.
    I have forwarded your excellent question to one of our Medical Advisory Board members.


    I think any options that can preserve the bladder should be seriously looked at. I’m hoping for the day that an RC is the absolute last resort for treating muscle invasive BC not the gold standard. It would mean a better quality of life for the patient and their loved ones. Better yet, I hope there is a day that BC will be beat via vaccine or some other type of drug. A couple of pills or a shot and BC is history!!


    Wouldn’t that be something if someday they have a vaccine? Or something preventative such as the HPV vaccination for cervical cancer. Interesting read about breast milk. Apparently has the ability to kill cancer cells. I was looking at pictures on the net of a papillary tumour in the bladder and after pics when the component of the breast milk was administered to the bladder and the papillary tumour was almost gone. Incredible! It looked like the tumour had been attacked when compared to the before pic. I truly believe in the next few years we will see great advances in the fight against cancer. Sometimes it takes one person to look at a problem from a different angle or perspective to find the answer.

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