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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Abdomen pain after BCG treatments

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    Does anybody experience abdomen pain after BCG treatments? I did finish my 2nd round of treatments back in April 2019 and started noticing abdomen pain about six weeks later (early June). I have just started my 3rd round of treatments. Pain is worse after eating or drinking (even water). Any feedback would be much appreciated.


    I’m sorry Ajay, I am unable to comment on your situation.  I’m hoping either Jack or another Patient can chime in.

    My best,

    Jack Moon

    Hi Ajay

    I did experience some abdomen pain after my 3rd round of BCG treatments.

    I did advise my doctor he he told me they were a side effect of the treatments. They did subside around 3 months after my final treatment. I recommend you advise your doctor and see if he can prescribe a med to reduce the pain.

    All the best,



    Thanks Jack for your comments.




    Hi Ajay:


    I had abdominal pain with BCG treatments and found out that it was due to inflammation in my intestines.  I also experienced bladder cramping at the time of BCG treatments and for a few days after each treatment.

    I self treated the bladder cramps with a heating pad and Tylenol.  For the intestinal inflammation – I stayed off caffeine and spicy foods for months!  I found that chamomile and peppermint teas were helpful as well as drinking hot water. I also made sure that I wasn’t constipated.  That became an issue for some reason and I sought out help from a natural health store and they gave me a product which helped and after treatments were done I weaned myself off it when the inflammation calmed down.  My bowels are now fine.

    I found while I was dealing with BCG and the constipation/inflammation that went with it my feces stank something fierce.  It smelled like a dead mouse combined with the sewer.  I always opened a window when in the bathroom – even in the dead of winter! I asked my GP and uro about it but they didn’t have any answers for that or the inflammation other than mentioning it must be a side effect from the BCG.  Since neither had any recommendations I unfortunately had to figure out my own solution to the problem which no one should do. Hence the visit to the health store.

    If the pain is becoming worse and you experience any bleeding after a BM I would see your doctor and if he/she doesn’t have any recommendation ask to be referred to a gastro doctor.  Medications are available.  Hopefully in time the pain will simmer down as your body gets rid of the excess BCG.  (((HUGS)))


    Hi Marysue,

    Thank you so much for the reply! It helps a lot.

    Best Regards,



    Hi Ajay:

    I hope by now things have improved and you feel better.  (((HUGS)))



    Hi Marysue,

    Frequency and intensity of the pain have reduced to about 50%. A very positive sign. I have an Endoscopy scheduled for next week to check the upper part of my digestive system related to this. I will keep you posted after that. Thank you for checking back.

    Best Regards,



    That is good to hear Ajay!  Let us know how the Endoscopy goes.

    Thank You!


    Just wanted to let you know that Dr. found everything normal during Endoscopy. My pain has subsided significantly. Thanks again for all of your help.


    Best Regards,


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