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Homepage – Forum Forums Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer 8 weeks since RC, Neobladder performing extremely well – I am grateful!!!

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    I have been away from the site since my Surgery. I have read some posts and wish all members a happy summer and good health into the future.

    My RC was May 13, 2013 performed by Dr. Shayegan and assisted by 2 excellent residents at St. Joseph’s. On May 28, 2013 exactly 1 year (almost the exact time) after being told I had Carcinoma in Situ, Dr. Shayegan told me I was Cancer Free!!

    The support of my 2 advocates provided incredible insights and prepared me for my surgery. They continue to check up on me post surgery continuing to provide a comfort that is so appreciated. The entire staff at St. Josephs were very caring and supportive – they deal with such difficult situations with such compassion.. George and I are incredibly grateful.

    I would have to say my overall experience has been far better than I expected. I was functioning very well the evening of my surgery, walking by day 2, off all meds by day 5, BM day 5, solid food day 6, and home by day 7. I was ready to get home as no one wants to be in the hospital. The majority of the discomfort came from the abdomen muscles being very tender.

    The flushing at home was done without issue. Sleep was a priority as well as some daily exercise. Reading my body signals was important.

    On May 28th, Dr. Bennett removed my catheter with the stents attached – no discomfort. I was able to pass urine without pain for the first time in 18 months!!!. Dr. Shayegan indicated that no self catheterization / flushing would be required. This was great news!! The 1 week following the catheter being removed, my continence was not very good (13 pads/depends required per day). I found that a disciplined routine of drinking liquid (water for me) helped with the mucous. By week 2, I was in a good rhythm training my bladder to pass every 1.5 hours with a program to increase this by 15 minutes per week eventually reaching the 4 hour max time. Tomorrow, I will be at 3 hours – with 4 weeks to go and a target capacity of 400-500 ml.

    I am able to identify when I need to take a trip to the bathroom and my bladder capacity is increasing weekly. My overnight continence is much better than expected especially when I limit my food/drink intake after 7 pm. Maintaining daily kegel exercises has been very beneficial. I am wearing 1-2 depends at night (leak approx. 20% of the time) and 1-2 pads per day depending on activity outside the house. I am excited to be back eating my normal diet of vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits without any problem. I will be returning to work next week.

    I see Dr. Shayegan this afternoon for another enlightening follow-up appointment. He and his team are wonderful people and amazing health care professionals.

    George and I look forward to being advocates for members of Bladder Cancer Canada. For those of you in the Cambridge area, we look forward to meeting you at the September Walk!



    Thanks for the follow up. Glad things are working OK. My prayers are still with you and pray for you to have continue quick recovery.



    So happy to hear Dawn that your recovery is going so well. Keep on this way and you’ll be doing a happy dance shortly.

    Jack Moon

    Fantastic news Dawn!


    great dawn!!!
    keep up the good work


    Dawn: Great news. I am so happy that all is going well for you.


    Excellent, I am very happy for you!! My mom will be having RC but she’ll get ileal conduit, hopefully it will be as smooth for her!


    Hi Dawn, I am so happy to hear the positivity in your post. Keep up the great attitude and I am sure the good physical results will continue. I know you are a great inspiration to other patients. Take care.


    This news blows my mind! Many congrats for your successful journey so far! Keep on truckin’ girl! (((BiG HUGS))))


    Dawn – congrats on your journey!!!


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