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  • #14869

    Glad to hear that the news is good. Best of luck for your Dad’s surgery and a speedy recovery for him. Keep in touch and let us know how he is and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Lots of folks here have travelled down that road and know the speed bumps.


    Thx Everyone…. will keep in touch and post after next Thursday


    SSK, we will be thinking about your dad next week and praying for a complete and speedy recovery.


    Hi All

    Just a quick update …….

    My dad is now into the 2nd month of his post- op of full bladder and prostate removal.

    In the last week he has had severe gas/nassea symptons to the point where he was taken to hospital and put on intervenous. He was vomitting quite a bit. He had intervenous Tues & Wed by a nurse. He went to see his family doctor on Thurs and he is running tests but does not suspect its post surgery complications.

    We are confused…has anyone had similar experiences?

    Looking for answers


    Hello SSK:
    At seven weeks post op (RC with neo), I began to experience vomiting worse than anything I had ever had in my life to that point or since. Fever, chills, gas, and two of the worst two weeks I can remember. I was put on an antibiotic as it was suspected that I had an infection. Seemed to clear it up and have had no issues since with vomiting. I did have extreme chills and feverish sweats every night for a couple of months and even still can have some issues with that, though not nearly as severe and not nearly as often, now two years and four months post op. Hope he is feeling better quite soon. The body takes a real beating in this surgery and evidences its dislike of the whole thing in a variety of ways, I expect. I know I have rarely if ever felt as rotten as I did for that two week period.

    All the best.


    Thx for the reply and your expererience…time will tell!!

    One thing for others who may insight, my dad have gallstone removed a few years back


    Hi SSK! Glad to know that your Dad got through the surgery. Greg is right in that your body takes a beating from this surgery. While I haven’t had an
    RC I have had other major surgeries including gall bladder removal back in 1988. The doc told me after that surgery I would be as good as new and could eat what I wanted again. Not true. I found that I have a way more sensitive digestive tract and have to watch what I eat especially the combination of carbs, fried foods, acidic fruits etc. I can usually eat those separate from each other but in certain combinations my digestive tract makes me know about it. During and after the BCG immunotherapy my digestive tract acted up too. Some patients that have chemo complain of constipation or diaherrea. BCG isn’t chemo but it affected me the same way. I developed a “leaky gut” but it is slowly resolving itself with good diet and patience. I still think the reason this all came about was because of the gall bladder surgery.

    I guess the point I’m trying to make is that surgery will have an effect on all body systems and in the case of an RC the intestine was cut apart and it will take time for that to resolve. I hope the docs have tested him for infection because that is a common problem after an RC which he will have to guard against for some time.

    It could just be a good old fashioned bug that he picked up in the hospital too. I also suggest talking to the doc about getting tested for c deficile as that is a common infection in hospitals and produces those symptoms. My mother-in-law picked it up when she was in hospital ironically for a stomach issue and ended up sicker because of picking up that infection. Anyone that is weaker than usual has a greater tendency to pick it up.


    Hi SSK! Glad to know that your Dad got through the surgery. Greg is right in that your body takes a beating from this surgery. While I haven’t had an
    RC I have had other major surgeries including gall bladder removal back in 1988. The doc told me after that surgery I would be as good as new and could eat what I wanted again. Not true. I found that I have a way more sensitive digestive tract and have to watch what I eat especially the combination of carbs, fried foods, acidic fruits etc. I can usually eat those separate from each other but in certain combinations my digestive tract makes me know about it. During and after the BCG immunotherapy my digestive tract acted up too. Some patients that have chemo complain of constipation or diaherrea. BCG isn’t chemo but it affected me the same way. I developed a “leaky gut” but it is slowly resolving itself with good diet and patience. I still think the reason this all came about was because of the gall bladder surgery.

    I guess the point I’m trying to make is that surgery will have an effect on all body systems and in the case of an RC the intestine was cut apart and it will take time for that to resolve. I hope the docs have tested him for infection because that is a common problem after an RC which he will have to guard against for some time.

    It could just be a good old fashioned bug that he picked up in the hospital too. I also suggest talking to the doc about getting tested for c deficile as that is a common infection in hospitals and produces those symptoms. My mother-in-law picked it up when she was in hospital ironically for a stomach issue and ended up sicker because of picking up that infection. Anyone that is weaker than usual has a greater tendency to pick it up.

    Great points…thx. He is at the Family docs as I write. The surgeon office suspects it is a virus that was not handled sufficiently last week when he went to the hospital and got his drips….lets see. I will keep you informed and thx!!

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