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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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  • #8354

    Sorry for the dumb questions..I have just 1 more….. But has anyone had stage TA low grade cancer and it came back? I understand this is the best possible BC to get but what are my chances of it coming back again??


    Hello again GM,

    How is the bleeding? Have you got it under control? Have you spoken to your Medical Team? I hope you got that addressed.

    I am of the opinion that there are never any dumb questions.

    The simple answer to your questions are:
    Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) has a higher risk of recurrence than other cancers. Ta tumors can recurr. There are other members of this forum that can attest to that.
    What are the chances (or probabilities of recurrence)? Well… If you want to go down this “Rabbit Hole” – I can give you references to the information you want. But, if I were in your situation, I would put this behind me.

    Here you go:

    Probability of Recurrence and Progression has been developed based on a meta-analysis done on over 2500 patients by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). The EORTC risk tables are the standard used by Urologists worldwide (Canada included). The results are based largely on patients that were not treated by BCG (There are other probability/risk tables for those).

    You can calculate your probability (rate) of recurrence and progression by using the EORTC Calculator available at this link:


    I tried to attach the calculator but it is over 75kB.

    Alternatively you can obtain similar information from this link:


    Look at Table 3 to calculate your “scores” for recurrence and progression

    Apply you “scores” to Tables 4 and Table 5 to get your probabilities and risks.

    If you are so inclined, document 2 contains a wealth of information. In your case, I would focus on pages 19 and 20.

    You will find that your probability of progression is not really much different than the average person. Going forward, although there is some probability of recurrence, you should be getting regular cystoscopies to catch them. If in the unfortunate event that you do get a recurrence, it will probably recurr as another small, TaLG.
    The American Urological Association (AUA) has called these “nuisance” or “pesky” tumors
    and view a good video sponsored by BCAN (Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network)

    As far as Bladder Cancer goes, of course we would rather not have it … But, the type of primary tumor you had (if I got it right) – that is: Single, Ta, Low Grade (LG or G1), under 3cm, no concomitant CIS – is the best possible scenario. You are at a Low Risk for Recurrence and Low Risk for Progression

    As I said. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t worry about it at all at this stage.

    Don’t smoke and take Vitamins A, E and Lactobacilus Casei daily
    (Ref:,english/ See “Guidelines” at the end of the document. BTW It is also recommended by Dr. Donald Lamm.)
    Get your regular cystoscopies and treat it like a regular medical check-up. If anything happens – it can be taken from there.

    Once again, after you have dealt with the bleeding issue and if there is nothing further … If I were in your position I would put this behind me – Go out and LIVE !!!

    All the best and God Bless


    Jack Moon

    Hi GM
    I was diagnosed with TA low grade in 2005, did have 2 recurrences in 2006 and 2007. No recurrences since 2007.
    All the best,


    Hi GM:

    No question is a dumb question especially when it comes to dealing with bladder cancer. Ask away of anything that comes to mind. Low grade and high grade can all reoccur. It seems to vary from person to person and the docs and researchers are still working on that. They have or are close to completing the geonome thing according to Calgary urologists. That will make a difference in determining how well a person may respond to treatments like BCG. So this may like breast cancer result in more personalized treatments in the future. Time will tell.

    Since your diagnosis is low grade your uro may or may not recommend BCG as a follow up treatment. That is a discussion you’ll have to have with him as to the why or why not. Low grade is less of a threat than high grade whereas it will grow and spread more slowly but it still has to be dealt with. That is why regular cysto checks are crucial to catching a reoccurrence early. The researchers are working on a diagnostic urine test to be used for prostate cancer and possibly bladder cancer but it is still a ways away from being put into actual use so until then cystos are the way to go as fun as those exams are.

    The usual cysto schedule is every 3 months for the first two years and if no reoccurrence then every 6 months for two years and then if still no reoccurrence annually for at least another ten years but preferably for life as this is a sneaky beast that can reoccur after many years. I personally know of this happening to people.

    Once you get the bleeding issue dealt with and are healed up and know what path you are on for follow up, as DDep said get busy and live your life. I got busy in a new line of work that is more meaningful and it has really helped with my mindset. Now that stuff is behind me, I usually don’t think too much about it until just before my cysto so yeah since that is around the corner it is on my mind somewhat but I have stared it down and have just made up my mind it will not rule me, I rule it. Hope this info helps. ((((HUGS)))))


    Thank you DDEp, Jack and Marysue! You guys are right….. No use dwelling on the future. I guess if it comes back, I will have to deal with it then. But until then, it’s time to stop worrying about it cause really, as long as I’m doin the right things in life, that’s the only thing I can control.
    As far as me still having blood in my urine, it’s been a week. But, I don’t get to excited because that’s how it’s been since the turbt. Once a week, usually on Thursday evening! Last week it was on a Friday though! It’s so weird! Nothing, nothing, nothing …. I get all excited then bam! Blood again. It’s kinda deflating actually. 8 weeks later!!
    Again, DDep….. Thank you for your info you gave me!
    Jack….I’m so happy you’ve been good since 2007! Hope it stays this way!
    And Marysue… Again, thank you for your words!
    You guys are awesome!! This is the best little forum out there! Everyone is so helpful and caring!
    Cheers! And be well!

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