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I was advised to eat and drink extra the day before. I’m glad that I listened because I was told not to eat or drink after midnight but my surgery wasn’t until 2:30PM! Talk about starved! This despite the extra food and liquid. I brought extra snacks and peppermint teabags. I was kept overnight in Day Surgery and found that once the anesetic wore off I was ravenous and was glad for those snacks. Get clearance from the nurses before resuming food intake. I found the peppermint tea felt good on my stomach before eating and helped me start peeing on my own sooner. I brought a Walkman with some relaxing music that I listened to up until they took me for surgery. It helped afterwards too. Don’t hesitate to ask for pain relief. I found the most painful thing was my bladder was spasming something fierce as it was trying to expel the catheter. Painkillers and warm blankets calmed that down and I was able to sleep. Take your time recovering. Short walks combined with lots of rest and drink lots of water will speed healing. Good luck and keep us posted.