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Best to ask the doctor about how common it is with BC. I understand that strep D is common enough with urinary tract infections. The common cold can also be fatal as can almost anything else in life so I would not get overly concerned with mortality at this point unless your doctor is suggesting such dire consequences, which he most certainly is not. Most BC is treatable with TURBT and BCG etc. As Jack has already said, and Val has reiterated, good results are very possible and while recurrences are not unexpected, they are often treated successfully. It’s good that your TURBT is next Thursday. You’ll know more when the pathology comes back from that.
It does not sound like you should be more worried than you already are – perhaps less would be healthier! Take it a step at a time and do not presume the worst. It is a shock to get cancer and it takes a good while to come to grips with that. But in the meantime, know that we all have been anxious, just as you are. Read up on it on this site and listen to some of the You Tube presentations by the docs on our home page. It may help you understand what is happening and what is coming.