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Well, first of all welcome. I’m confident everything will wor k out. Very few people are aware of the position a person is put in after they are given anesthesia. Surgeons have to provide a sterile field and ensure a view of the surgical site regardless of the type of surgery being done. They also have to be sure that all the tissue they are examining is visible, not wrinkles or distored. So a person is essentiall stretched on theat vey nice hard stainles steel table which can contort the body in lots of ways. It is typical to have aches and pains from the positioning of the body, from the subsequent pain which may radiate or be “referred” to others parts of the body. The body and it’s muscles and organs go through a lot and those residual things may be what he is feeling. If they get really annoying or severe of course check with his doc. I have experienced that and all I can say is that it’s part of the procedure. i have had many surgeries, some with no problems, others with big problems and others with annoying problems. It will take time. But he’ll be OK.