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I was TaG3 both times with the first having several tumours and the only recurrence was 20 months later with a single tumour on the top of my bladder. My first uro prescribes 6 weeks and then if you have a reoccurence then you do another 6 week round plus one year maintenance. I asked my new uro about this and he generally follows the same idea. He likes to see people do up to three years if possible but is OK with one year. I worked it out at my last cysto had my first uro ordered the three years maintenance on top of the original 6 weeks and if I had been able to get through it with no reoccurences I would have completed 24 treatments over a 3 year time period. Instead I did 2 6 week sessions and one year of maintenance which was 3 sessions of 3 weeks each for a total of 21 treatments. I was getting to the no tolerance stage so I told my uro I was done after finishing the 12 mth maintenance in January. Because the total was close my uro agreed that I’d done enough. I did read somewhere that 6 weeks of BCG alone is about 60-70% successful and if you do one year of maintenance on top of the 6 weeks it goes up to 85-90% success. HOwever that being said your tumours were T1G3 versus my TaG3 so whether that makes a difference I don’t know. I suggest asking your doc what the next step would be if you did have a reoccurence. If he starts talking bladder removal then maybe that would be a case for asking about more BCG if you can tolerate it.