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Hi Louise.
Do get the path report as Jack, our President, has mentioned. That will have key information to determine the appropriateness of the treatment. Unfortunately, some doctors do not seem to understand the impact a diagnosis of bladder cancer can have on the patient and on his loved ones. Also, unfortunately, some doctors may not be up to speed with current treatment procedures. Your doc may be the best there is, so I am not implying he is somehow deficient at all. But the path report will help you understand what is going on as well.
Sometimes denial is how we cope best. But never let the suspected denial keep him from his appointments with his urologist. That’s a really bad error. He may also have a really great outlook on life in general and this is simply one more hurdle to overcome. Here’s to that kind of attitude! Either way, you’ll both need to be diligent in keeping on top of this as it appears you are. Well done. Keep us in the loop. We’re here for support.