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Hi Louise
Sorry your husband has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. I would recommend you ask your current Urologist for a copy of your husband’s pathology reports. These reports will indicate the stage and grade of the tumors that were removed. Treatment for bladder cancer depends on both stage and grade. We can assist you in understanding the reports.
Yes bladder cancer does have a high recurrence rate. I have had 2 recurrences myself during the first 2 years of being diagnosed, but have been all clear coming on 5 years.
If you are interested in obtaining a 2nd opinion, I would recommend this be done at a major cancer centre or teaching hospital and again we can assist you with the procedures necessary to get this accomplished which are quite easy.
You and your husband are no longer alone in coping with this disease. You are now part of a very large family of peers who have much experience and knowledge of bladder cancer.
All the best,